Whitman Mission
Modified on 2009/08/20 18:39 by timothy — Categorized as: Museum
Whitman Mission
328 Whitman Mission Road
Walla Walla, WA 99362
The Whitman Mission is a National Historic Site and was built in 1836 by Marcus and Narcissa Whitman.
After more than a decade of living and working with the Cayuse Indians, the Whitman's mission effort ended in violence as a band of indians killed the Whitmans and 11 others. The massacre sparked a war between the Cayuse and area settlers from the Willamette and Lower Columbia Valleys and eventually led to the creation of the Oregon Territory in 1848. Demonstrations replicating pioneer and Cayuse life in the 1840s are staged each weekend.
It is located seven miles west of Walla Walla on Highway 12.